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99."Presidential Power and the Modern Presidents: The Politics of Leadership from Roosevelt to Reagan" by Richard E. Neustadt


"Presidential Power and the Modern Presidents:

The Politics of Leadership from Roosevelt to Reagan" by Richard E. Neustadt 

"Presidential Power and the Modern Presidents: The Politics of Leadership from Roosevelt to Reagan" by Richard E. Neustadt is a seminal work in the study of the American presidency. First published in 1960, it has remained relevant and influential for over 60 years, with multiple revised editions and translations in several languages.

Neustadt was a professor of public administration at Columbia University and an advisor to several US presidents, including Truman, Kennedy, and Johnson. His firsthand experience in the inner workings of the presidency informed his analysis of presidential power and leadership.

The central argument of the book is that presidential power is not inherent in the office, but rather derived from the president's ability to persuade and bargain with other political actors. Neustadt famously wrote, "The power of the presidency is the power to persuade." He argues that presidents must navigate complex political environments and negotiate with a variety of actors, from Congress to the media to the public, in order to achieve their policy goals.

Neustadt's analysis is based on case studies of several modern presidents, including Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson, and Richard Nixon. He examines the challenges each president faced and how they used their powers of persuasion to achieve their policy objectives.

One of the key strengths of Neustadt's analysis is its focus on the political context in which presidential power is exercised. He emphasizes the importance of understanding the institutional and cultural factors that shape the presidency, such as the separation of powers, the media, and public opinion.

The book's influence on the study of the presidency is hard to overstate. Neustadt's argument that presidential power is not inherent, but rather contingent on the president's ability to persuade and bargain with others, has been widely accepted by scholars in the field. His emphasis on the importance of political context and the need for presidents to be skilled negotiators and persuaders has also been influential.

"Presidential Power and the Modern Presidents" remains a widely read and cited work in the study of the American presidency. It has been praised for its insightful analysis, clear prose, and practical advice for those seeking to understand and exercise presidential power.

In terms of the Korean translation, there does not appear to be an official Korean version of the book. However, there are likely academic articles and books that have engaged with Neustadt's ideas in the Korean context.

"대통령 권력과 현대 대통령: 루즈벨트에서 레이건까지 리더십의 정치" 리처드 E. 노이슈타트는 미국 대통령직 연구의 중요한 작품이다. 1960년에 처음 출판된 그것은 여러 언어로 된 여러 개정판과 번역으로 60년 넘게 관련성 있고 영향력이 있었다.

노이슈타트는 컬럼비아 대학교의 행정학 교수이자 트루먼, 케네디, 존슨을 포함한 여러 미국 대통령의 고문이었다. 대통령의 내부 업무에 대한 그의 직접적인 경험은 대통령의 권력과 리더십에 대한 그의 분석을 알렸다.

이 책의 중심 주장은 대통령의 권력이 사무실에 내재된 것이 아니라, 오히려 다른 정치 행위자들과 설득하고 협상하는 대통령의 능력에서 파생되었다는 것이다. 노이슈타트는 "대통령의 힘은 설득할 수 있는 힘이다"라고 유명하게 썼다. 그는 대통령이 정책 목표를 달성하기 위해 복잡한 정치 환경을 탐색하고 의회에서 언론, 대중에 이르기까지 다양한 행위자들과 협상해야 한다고 주장한다.

노이슈타트의 분석은 프랭클린 D.를 포함한 몇몇 현대 대통령의 사례 연구를 기반으로 한다. 루즈벨트, 해리 트루먼, 드와이트 D. 아이젠하워, 존 F. 케네디, 린든 B. 존슨, 그리고 리처드 닉슨. 그는 각 대통령이 직면한 도전과 그들이 정책 목표를 달성하기 위해 설득력을 어떻게 사용했는지 검토한다.

노이슈타트 분석의 주요 강점 중 하나는 대통령 권력이 행사되는 정치적 맥락에 초점을 맞추는 것이다. 그는 권력 분리, 언론, 여론과 같은 대통령직을 형성하는 제도적, 문화적 요인을 이해하는 것의 중요성을 강조한다.

대통령직 연구에 대한 그 책의 영향은 과장하기 어렵다. 대통령의 권력이 내재된 것이 아니라 다른 사람들을 설득하고 협상하는 대통령의 능력에 달려 있다는 노이슈타트의 주장은 그 분야의 학자들에 의해 널리 받아들여졌다. 정치적 맥락의 중요성과 대통령이 숙련된 협상가와 설득자가 되어야 할 필요성에 대한 그의 강조 또한 영향력이 있었다.

"대통령 권력과 현대 대통령"은 미국 대통령직 연구에서 널리 읽히고 인용된 작품으로 남아있다. 그것은 대통령 권력을 이해하고 행사하고자 하는 사람들을 위한 통찰력 있는 분석, 명확한 산문, 실용적인 조언으로 찬사를 받았다.

한국어 번역의 관점에서 볼 때, 그 책의 공식 한국어 버전은 없는 것 같다. 그러나, 한국의 맥락에서 노이슈타트의 아이디어와 관련된 학술 기사와 책이 있을 가능성이 높다.

