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78. 현대기업과 사유재산 The Modern Corporation and Private Property" by Adolf Berle and Gardiner Means (1932)


"The Modern Corporation and Private Property"는 

1932년에 출판된 Adolf Berle과 Gardiner Means가 공동 저술한 책이다. 이 책은 기업 거버넌스와 정치 경제 분야에서 중요한 작품이며, 20세기에 경제 및 법적 사고에 상당한 영향을 미쳤다.

이 책의 핵심 아이디어는 현대 기업이 사회에서 지배적인 기관이 되었고 엄청난 경제적, 정치적 권력을 휘두르게 되었다는 것이다. 저자들은 결과적으로 소유권과 통제 사이의 전통적인 분리가 침식되었고, 기업 관리자와 주주의 이익이 항상 일치하지 않을 수도 있다고 주장한다. 그들은 이것이 규제 및 기업 거버넌스 개혁과 같은 법적 및 제도적 메커니즘을 통해 해결되어야 하는 잠재적인 이해 상충을 야기한다고 주장한다.

이 책은 기업 거버넌스 이론과 실천의 발전에 상당한 영향을 미쳤고, 주주 행동주의의 부상과 현대 기업의 사회적 책임 운동을 위한 길을 닦는 데 도움을 주었다. 그것은 또한 1933년 증권법과 1934년 증권거래법을 포함한 현대 증권 규제의 발전에 기여했다.

21세기의 교훈 측면에서, "현대 기업 및 사유 재산"은 특히 기업 지배 구조, 책임 및 투명성 분야에서 대기업의 운영을 규제하고 감독하는 데 있어 지속적인 경계의 필요성을 강조한다. 이 책은 또한 경제적, 정치적 결과를 형성하는 데 있어 대기업의 역할과 이것이 수반하는 잠재적인 위험과 이익을 이해하는 것의 중요성을 강조한다.

그 주제에 대해 더 읽고 싶은 사람들을 위해, 몇몇 추천 책으로는 Lynn Stout의 "The Shareholder Value Myth", Aaron A의 "The End of Corporate Social Responsibility"가 있다. Dhir, 그리고 Joel Bakan의 "The New Corporation". 한국어로, 그 책의 제목은"현대 기업과 사유재산".

1장: 소개 "현대 기업과 사유 재산"의 첫 번째 장은 이 책의 중심 주제, 즉 현대 기업 조직을 사유 재산의 전통적인 개념과 조화시키는 문제를 소개한다. 저자들은 개인 소유권에 대한 아이디어에 기반한 사유 재산에 대한 전통적인 견해가 더 이상 현대 기업의 복잡한 조직 구조를 설명하기에 충분하지 않다고 주장한다.

제2장: 소유권과 통제의 분리 이 장에서 Berle and Means는 소유권과 통제의 분리가 현대 기업의 근본적인 특징이라고 주장한다. 그들은 이 분리가 어떻게 생겨났는지, 그리고 그것이 어떻게 기업의 실제 소유자, 즉 주주들이 기업 경영진이 내린 결정을 거의 통제할 수 없는 상황으로 이어졌는지 설명한다.

3장: 재산과 주권 Berle and Means는 이 장에서 재산과 주권의 관계를 탐구한다. 그들은 대기업에 대한 경제력의 집중이 국가의 주권을 침식하여 정부가 기업 행동을 규제하는 것을 어렵게 만들었다고 주장한다.

제4장: 법적 개념으로서의 기업 시스템 이 장에서 저자들은 기업 시스템의 법적 토대를 검토하고, 기업이 공익을 위해 국가가 만든 법적 허구로 가장 잘 이해된다고 주장한다. 그들은 또한 기업을 지배하는 법적 틀의 한계에 대해 논의하고, 그것이 개혁될 수 있는 방법을 제안한다.

5장: 현대 기업의 진화 Berle and Means는 이 장에서 현대 기업의 역사적 발전을 추적한다. 그들은 기업의 성장이 대규모 생산과 자본 축적의 필요성에 의해 주도되었고, 기업의 조직 형태는 이러한 경제적 명령에 의해 형성되었다고 주장한다.

6장: 현대 기업과 산업 통제 이 장에서는 산업 통제에서 현대 기업의 역할을 탐구한다. Berle과 Means는 기업들이 경제 조직의 지배적인 형태가 되었으며, 경제 전체에 대해 많은 권력을 행사한다고 주장한다.

제7장: 현대 기업의 사회적 중요성 이 장에서 저자들은 현대 기업의 사회적 영향에 대해 논의한다. 그들은 몇몇 대기업의 손에 경제력의 집중이 기업 주주의 이익이 종종 사회 전체의 이익과 상충되는 상황으로 이어졌다고 주장한다.

8장: 결론 마지막 장은 책의 주요 주장을 요약하고 저자가 식별한 문제가 어떻게 해결될 수 있는지에 대한 몇 가지 제안을 제공합니다. Berle and Means는 기업 행동을 규제하는 데 있어 국가의 더 큰 역할과 사유 재산의 전통적인 개념을 재고할 것을 요구한다.

미래 세대에 미치는 영향: "현대 기업과 사유 재산"은 학자들과 정책 입안자들이 기업, 사유 재산 및 공익 간의 관계에 대해 생각하는 방식에 지속적인 영향을 미쳤다. 기업이 공익을 위해 국가가 만든 법적 허구로 가장 잘 이해된다는 이 책의 중심 주장은 특히 영향력이 있다. 이 책은 또한 최근 수십 년 동안 연구 및 정책 문제의 주요 영역이 된 기업 거버넌스 분야의 중요한 선구자로 인용되었다.

21세기를 위한 교훈: 21세기를 위한 "현대 기업과 사유 재산"의 주요 교훈 중 하나는 현대 기업의 복잡한 조직 구조에 비추어 사유 재산의 전통적인 개념을 재평가할 필요가 있다는 것이다. 이 책은 또한 기업이 주주의 이익뿐만 아니라 공익에 봉사하도록 보장하는 데 있어 정부 규제의 중요성을 강조한다. 게다가, 이 책은 경제력의 집중과 경제 자원의 보다 민주적이고 공평한 분배의 필요성에 대한 중요한 질문을 제기한다.


"The Modern Corporation and Private Property"

is a book co-authored by Adolf Berle and Gardiner Means, published in 1932. The book is a seminal work in the fields of corporate governance and political economy, and has had a significant impact on economic and legal thinking in the 20th century.

The core idea of the book is that the modern corporation has become a dominant institution in society and has come to wield enormous economic and political power. The authors argue that as a result, the traditional separation between ownership and control has been eroded, and that the interests of corporate managers and shareholders may not always be aligned. They contend that this creates a potential conflict of interest that must be addressed through legal and institutional mechanisms, such as regulation and corporate governance reforms.

The book had a significant impact on the development of corporate governance theory and practice, and helped to pave the way for the rise of shareholder activism and the modern corporate social responsibility movement. It also contributed to the development of modern securities regulation, including the Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

In terms of lessons for the 21st century, "The Modern Corporation and Private Property" highlights the need for ongoing vigilance in regulating and overseeing the operations of large corporations, particularly in the areas of corporate governance, accountability, and transparency. The book also underscores the importance of understanding the role of large corporations in shaping economic and political outcomes, and the potential risks and benefits that this entails.

For those interested in further reading on the topic, some recommended books include "The Shareholder Value Myth" by Lynn Stout, "The End of Corporate Social Responsibility" by Aaron A. Dhir, and "The New Corporation" by Joel Bakan. In Korean, the title of the book is "현대 기업과 사유재산".


Chapter 1: Introduction The first chapter of "The Modern Corporation and Private Property" introduces the central theme of the book, namely, the problem of reconciling modern corporate organizations with traditional notions of private property. The authors argue that the traditional view of private property, based on the idea of individual ownership, is no longer sufficient to account for the complex organizational structures of modern corporations.

Chapter 2: The Separation of Ownership and Control In this chapter, Berle and Means argue that the separation of ownership and control is a fundamental characteristic of modern corporations. They explain how this separation came about, and how it has led to a situation where the actual owners of corporations, namely shareholders, have little control over the decisions made by corporate management.

Chapter 3: Property and Sovereignty Berle and Means explore the relationship between property and sovereignty in this chapter. They argue that the concentration of economic power in large corporations has eroded the sovereignty of the state, making it difficult for governments to regulate corporate behavior.

Chapter 4: The Corporate System as a Legal Concept In this chapter, the authors examine the legal foundations of the corporate system, and argue that corporations are best understood as legal fictions created by the state to serve the public interest. They also discuss the limitations of the legal framework that governs corporations, and suggest ways in which it could be reformed.

Chapter 5: The Evolution of the Modern Corporation Berle and Means trace the historical development of the modern corporation in this chapter. They argue that the growth of corporations was driven by the need for large-scale production and capital accumulation, and that the organizational form of the corporation was shaped by these economic imperatives.

Chapter 6: The Modern Corporation and the Control of Industry This chapter explores the role of the modern corporation in the control of industry. Berle and Means argue that corporations have become the dominant form of economic organization, and that they exercise a great deal of power over the economy as a whole.

Chapter 7: The Social Significance of the Modern Corporation In this chapter, the authors discuss the social implications of the modern corporation. They argue that the concentration of economic power in the hands of a few large corporations has led to a situation where the interests of corporate shareholders are often at odds with the interests of society as a whole.

Chapter 8: Conclusion The final chapter summarizes the main arguments of the book and offers some suggestions for how the problems identified by the authors might be addressed. Berle and Means call for a greater role for the state in regulating corporate behavior and for a rethinking of traditional notions of private property.

Impact on Future Generations: "The Modern Corporation and Private Property" has had a lasting impact on the way that scholars and policymakers think about the relationship between corporations, private property, and the public interest. The book's central argument that corporations are best understood as legal fictions created by the state to serve the public interest has been particularly influential. The book has also been cited as an important precursor to the field of corporate governance, which has become a major area of research and policy concern in recent decades.

Lessons for the 21st Century: One of the key lessons of "The Modern Corporation and Private Property" for the 21st century is the need for a reevaluation of traditional notions of private property in light of the complex organizational structures of modern corporations. The book also highlights the importance of government regulation in ensuring that corporations serve the public interest rather than solely the interests of their shareholders. Additionally, the book raises important questions about the concentration of economic power and the need for a more democratic and equitable distribution of economic resources.


  • Berle, A. A., & Means, G. C. (1933). The Modern Corporation and Private Property (Reprint edition). Transaction Publishers.
  • Dodd, E. M. (1932). For Whom are Corporate Managers Trustees? (No. 3). Harvard Law Review Association.
  • Davis, G. F. (2017). The Vanishing American Corporation: Navigating the Hazards of a New Economy. Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
  • Mizruchi, M. S. (2013). The fracturing of the American corporate elite. Harvard University Press.
  • Guillén, M. F. (1994). Models of Management: Work, Authority, and Organization in a Comparative Perspective. University of Chicago Press.

These references provide additional insights and perspectives on the topics discussed in "The Modern Corporation and Private Property."
