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89. 범위를 가진 자가 되라 ! "Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World" by David Epstein (2019)


"Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World" by David Epstein (2019)


"Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World" by David Epstein challenges the conventional wisdom that specialization is the key to success in today's world. Epstein argues that generalists who have diverse experiences and knowledge are better equipped to navigate complex problems and adapt to changing situations than specialists who have a narrow focus.

Epstein begins the book by highlighting the story of Roger Federer, one of the greatest tennis players of all time, who didn't specialize in tennis until he was in his teens. Federer's diverse experiences playing a variety of sports as a child allowed him to develop a range of skills that later helped him excel in tennis. Epstein uses this example to illustrate how range can be a competitive advantage in a specialized world.

The book is divided into two parts. The first part explores the benefits of range and how it can help individuals succeed in a variety of fields. Epstein argues that range enables people to connect ideas and see patterns that others may miss. He cites research that shows that people with diverse experiences are better able to adapt to new situations and solve complex problems. Epstein also explores the idea that early specialization can actually limit success in the long run by preventing people from developing a broad range of skills and experiences.

The second part of the book looks at how organizations can benefit from hiring people with range. Epstein highlights examples of companies that have successfully fostered cultures of innovation by bringing together employees with diverse backgrounds and skill sets. He argues that organizations that value range are more likely to be able to adapt to changing market conditions and innovate.

Overall, "Range" is a thought-provoking book that challenges the idea that specialization is the key to success. Epstein makes a compelling case for the benefits of range and the value of diverse experiences and knowledge. The book has important implications for individuals looking to succeed in today's world, as well as for organizations looking to foster cultures of innovation.

In terms of its impact on future generations, "Range" has the potential to encourage more people to pursue diverse experiences and develop a range of skills, rather than feeling pressure to specialize early on. This could lead to a more adaptable and innovative workforce, as well as more well-rounded individuals who are better equipped to navigate life's challenges.

One lesson that people in the 21st century can take from "Range" is the importance of being open to new experiences and learning opportunities, even if they don't fit neatly into a specific career path or specialization. Epstein's book also highlights the value of interdisciplinary thinking and the ability to connect ideas from different fields.

For readers interested in learning more about range and its implications, Epstein's book "The Sports Gene: Inside the Science of Extraordinary Athletic Performance" is a good complement to "Range". "The Talent Code: Greatness Isn't Born. It's Grown. Here's How." by Daniel Coyle is another book that explores how individuals can develop skills and achieve excellence through deliberate practice.

Korean version title: "레인지: 다양성과 융합의 시대에서 전문성보다 더 중요한 것"


데이비드 엡스타인의 "범위: 왜 제너럴리스트들이 전문화된 세계에서 승리하는가"는 전문화가 오늘날의 세계에서 성공의 열쇠라는 전통적인 지혜에 도전한다. 엡스타인은 다양한 경험과 지식을 가진 제너럴리스트들이 좁은 초점을 가진 전문가보다 복잡한 문제를 탐색하고 변화하는 상황에 적응할 수 있다고 주장한다.

엡스타인은 10대가 될 때까지 테니스를 전문으로 하지 않았던 역대 최고의 테니스 선수 중 한 명인 로저 페더러의 이야기를 강조함으로써 책을 시작한다. 페더러는 어렸을 때 다양한 스포츠를 했기 때문에 나중에 테니스에서 뛰어난 데 도움이 되는 다양한 기술을 개발할 수 있었다. 엡스타인은 범위가 어떻게 전문화된 세계에서 경쟁 우위가 될 수 있는지 설명하기 위해 이 예를 사용한다.

그 책은 두 부분으로 나뉘어져 있다. 첫 번째 부분은 범위의 이점과 그것이 개인이 다양한 분야에서 성공하는 데 어떻게 도움이 될 수 있는지 탐구한다. 엡스타인은 범위를 통해 사람들이 아이디어를 연결하고 다른 사람들이 놓칠 수 있는 패턴을 볼 수 있다고 주장한다. 그는 다양한 경험을 가진 사람들이 새로운 상황에 더 잘 적응하고 복잡한 문제를 해결할 수 있다는 것을 보여주는 연구를 인용한다. 엡스타인은 또한 초기 전문화가 사람들이 광범위한 기술과 경험을 개발하는 것을 방지함으로써 장기적으로 성공을 실제로 제한할 수 있다는 생각을 탐구한다.

이 책의 두 번째 부분은 조직이 범위를 가진 사람들을 고용함으로써 어떻게 이익을 얻을 수 있는지 살펴본다. 엡스타인은 다양한 배경과 기술을 가진 직원들을 한데 모아 혁신 문화를 성공적으로 육성한 회사의 예를 강조한다. 그는 가치 범위를 지닌 조직이 변화하는 시장 상황에 적응하고 혁신할 가능성이 더 높다고 주장한다.

전반적으로, "범위"는 전문화가 성공의 열쇠라는 생각에 도전하는 생각을 자극하는 책이다. 엡스타인은 범위의 이점과 다양한 경험과 지식의 가치에 대한 설득력 있는 사례를 만든다. 이 책은 오늘날의 세계에서 성공하고자 하는 개인과 혁신 문화를 육성하고자 하는 조직에 중요한 영향을 미친다.

미래 세대에 미치는 영향 측면에서, "범위"는 초기에 전문화해야 한다는 압박감을 느끼기보다는 더 많은 사람들이 다양한 경험을 추구하고 다양한 기술을 개발하도록 장려할 수 있는 잠재력을 가지고 있다. 이것은 더 적응력 있고 혁신적인 인력뿐만 아니라 삶의 도전을 더 잘 헤쳐나갈 수 있는 더 균형 잡힌 개인으로 이어질 수 있다.

21세기의 사람들이 "범위"에서 얻을 수 있는 한 가지 교훈은 특정 진로나 전문화에 깔끔하게 맞지 않더라도 새로운 경험과 학습 기회에 개방하는 것의 중요성이다. 엡스타인의 책은 또한 학제 간 사고의 가치와 다른 분야의 아이디어를 연결하는 능력을 강조한다.

범위와 그 의미에 대해 더 많이 배우는 데 관심이 있는 독자들을 위해, 엡스타인의 책 "The Sports Gene: Inside the Science of Extraordinary Athletic Performance"는 "Range"를 잘 보완한다. "재능 코드: 위대함은 태어나지 않는다. 그건 자랐어. Daniel Coyle의 Here's How"는 개인이 고의적인 연습을 통해 어떻게 기술을 개발하고 우수성을 달성할 수 있는지 탐구하는 또 다른 책이다.

한국어 버전 제목: "레인지: 다양성과 융합의 시대에서 전문성보다 더 중요한 것"
