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72. 독일이데올로기"The German Ideology" by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels (1845-1846)


독일 이데올로기: 이상주의 철학에 대한 비판과 공산주의의 청사진"

"독일 이데올로기"는 칼 마르크스와 프리드리히 엥겔스의 공동 작품으로, 1845년에서 1846년 사이에 쓰여졌지만 1932년까지 출판되지 않았다. 이 책은 당시 독일에서 널리 퍼진 철학적 사상, 특히 젊은 헤겔인들의 철학적 사상에 대한 비판이며, 공산주의에 대한 청사진을 제공한다.

"독일 이데올로기"의 핵심 아이디어는 인류 역사가 계급투쟁의 역사라는 것이다. 마르크스와 엥겔스는 경제 관계가 사회의 기초이며 이러한 관계는 생산 수단(예: 공장과 도구)과 생산 관계(예: 노동자와 소유자 간의 관계)를 모두 포함하는 생산 방식에 의해 형성된다고 주장한다. 그들은 역사의 각 단계에서 생산 수단을 통제하고 노동계급을 억압하는 지배계급이 있다고 주장한다. 그러나, 그들은 자본주의가 궁극적으로 생산 수단이 노동자들이 소유하고 지배계급이 없을 공산주의에 굴복할 것이라고 믿는다.

"독일 이데올로기"는 또한 사람들이 자신의 착취를 모르고 지배계급의 합법성을 믿는 방식을 가리키는 "거짓 의식"의 개념을 소개한다. 마르크스와 엥겔스는 이 거짓 의식이 교육과 공산주의 혁명의 필요성을 인식하는 혁명적 의식의 창조를 통해 극복될 수 있다고 주장한다.

"독일 이데올로기"가 미래 세대에 미치는 영향은 마르크스주의 이론과 공산주의의 기초가 되었기 때문에 중요했다. 이 책에 제시된 아이디어는 소련, 중국, 쿠바를 포함한 전 세계의 사회 운동과 정치 시스템에 영향을 미쳤다. 이 책은 또한 비판을 받아 왔으며, 일부는 계급투쟁에 대한 강조가 인종과 성별과 같은 다른 중요한 요소를 무시한다고 주장한다.

21세기 사람들을 위한 "독일 이데올로기"에서 얻을 수 있는 한 가지 교훈은 억압 시스템을 인식하고 도전하는 것의 중요성이다. 이 책은 경제 시스템이 특정 집단의 억압으로 이어질 수 있는 방법을 강조하고, 개인이 스스로를 교육하고 더 정의로운 사회를 만들기 위해 노력하도록 장려한다. 게다가, 그 책은 집단 행동의 힘과 억압받는 집단 간의 연대의 필요성을 강조한다.

"독일 이데올로기"에 대해 더 많이 배우는 데 관심이 있는 사람들을 위해, 일부 추천 참고서로는 피터 싱어의 "Marx: A Very Short Introduction", 칼 마르크스와 프리드리히 엥겔스의 "The Communist Manifesto", 칼 마르크스의 "Capital: Volume 1"이 있다.


1장: 포이어바흐. 유물론자와 이상주의적 전망에 대한 반대

이 장에서 마르크스는 포이어바흐의 철학적 사상, 특히 구체적인 현실로부터의 추상화로서의 인간 본질에 대한 그의 개념을 비판한다. 마르크스는 포이어바흐가 인간과 그들의 사회적 환경 사이의 변증법적 관계를 인식하지 못하고, 대신 그들을 그들의 상황의 수동적인 대상으로 축소시킨다고 주장한다. 마르크스는 또한 포이어바흐의 이성과 감각의 분리와 인간 의식의 역사적, 사회적 컨디셔닝을 인식하지 못하는 그의 무능력을 비판한다.

제2장: 젊은 헤겔인의 철학에 대한 비판

이 장에서 마르크스는 헤겔 철학을 채택했지만 중요한 사회 문제에 적용한 철학자 그룹인 젊은 헤겔인들의 아이디어를 공격한다. 마르크스는 그들의 비판이 충분히 급진적이지 않으며, 사회의 물질적 기초와 인간 존재를 결정하는 경제적 관계를 인식하지 못한다고 주장한다. 그는 또한 물질적 현실보다는 아이디어에 대한 그들의 강조와 사회 변화에 대한 그들의 이상주의적 접근 방식을 비판한다.

제3장: 부르주아지의 도구로서의 독일 이데올로기

이 장에서 마르크스와 엥겔스는 독일 부르주아지의 철학적 사상을 비판하며, 그들이 그들 자신의 권력과 특권을 유지하도록 설계되었다고 주장한다. 그들은 또한 자본주의의 불평등한 사회적 관계를 영속시키는 역할을 한다고 주장하면서 추상적인 인권의 개념을 비판한다. 마지막으로, 그들은 사회 변화의 진정한 길은 인간 존재의 물질적 조건에 대한 인식과 자본주의 체제의 전복에 있다고 주장한다.

4장: 대표자에 따른 현대 독일 철학에 대한 비판 Feuerbach, B. 바우어와 슈티르너, 그리고 다양한 예언자들에 따른 독일 사회주의

이 장에서 마르크스와 엥겔스는 포이어바흐, 브루노 바우어, 막스 슈티르너 등의 작품에 초점을 맞춰 독일 철학과 사회주의에 대한 비판을 계속한다. 그들은 이 사상가들이 사회의 물질적 기초와 인간 존재를 형성하는 데 있어 경제 관계의 역할을 인식하지 못한다고 주장한다. 그들은 또한 자본주의의 불평등을 영속시키는 역할을 한다고 믿는 이 철학자들의 개인주의적이고 이상주의적인 경향을 비판한다.

제5장: 부르주아지와 민주주의의 진정한 관계

이 장에서 마르크스와 엥겔스는 부르주아지와 민주주의 사이의 관계를 조사하며, 민주주의에 대한 부르주아지의 헌신은 자신의 권력과 특권을 보호하려는 욕망에 의해 동기가 부여된다고 주장한다. 그들은 또한 자본주의 하에서 민주주의의 한계를 비판하며, 그것이 도전하기보다는 부와 권력의 불평등한 분배를 유지하는 역할을 한다고 주장한다.

제6장: 시대의 환상

이 마지막 장에서, 마르크스와 엥겔스는 모든 시대의 지배적인 사상은 그 시대의 경제적, 사회적 조건에 의해 결정된다고 주장한다. 그들은 지배계급의 사상이 사회의 나머지 부분에 의해 채택되고 자기 이익과 거짓에 기반을 둔 경우에도 보편적인 진리로 여겨진다고 주장한다. 그들은 이러한 환상을 극복하는 유일한 방법은 자본주의 체제의 혁명적 전복과 사회주의 사회의 설립을 통해서라고 주장함으로써 결론을 내린다.

참고: "독일 이데올로기"의 영어 번역은 여러 버전으로 제공되므로, 일부 챕터 제목은 판에 따라 다를 수 있습니다.


The German Ideology: 

A Critique of Idealist Philosophy and a Blueprint for Communism"

"The German Ideology" is a collaborative work by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels that was written between 1845 and 1846 but was not published until 1932. The book is a critique of the philosophical ideas prevalent in Germany at the time, particularly those of the Young Hegelians, and provides a blueprint for communism.

The core idea of "The German Ideology" is that human history is the history of class struggle. Marx and Engels argue that economic relations are the foundation of society and that these relations are shaped by the mode of production, which includes both the means of production (such as factories and tools) and the relations of production (such as the relationship between workers and owners). They argue that in each stage of history, there is a ruling class that controls the means of production and oppresses the working class. However, they believe that capitalism will ultimately give way to communism, in which the means of production will be owned by the workers and there will be no ruling class.

"The German Ideology" also introduces the concept of "false consciousness," which refers to the way that people are unaware of their own exploitation and believe in the legitimacy of the ruling class. Marx and Engels argue that this false consciousness can be overcome through education and the creation of a revolutionary consciousness that recognizes the need for a communist revolution.

The impact of "The German Ideology" on future generations has been significant, as it has served as a foundation for Marxist theory and communism. The ideas presented in the book have influenced social movements and political systems around the world, including the Soviet Union, China, and Cuba. The book has also been subject to criticism, with some arguing that its emphasis on class struggle ignores other important factors, such as race and gender.

One lesson that can be taken from "The German Ideology" for people in the 21st century is the importance of recognizing and challenging systems of oppression. The book highlights the way that economic systems can lead to the oppression of certain groups, and encourages individuals to educate themselves and work towards creating a more just society. Additionally, the book emphasizes the power of collective action and the need for solidarity among oppressed groups.

For those interested in learning more about "The German Ideology," some recommended reference books include "Marx: A Very Short Introduction" by Peter Singer, "The Communist Manifesto" by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, and "Capital: Volume 1" by Karl Marx.

Korean version title: "독일 이데올로기: 이상주의 철학 비판과 공산주의 청사진"

Chapter 1: Feuerbach. Opposition of the Materialist and Idealist Outlook

In this chapter, Marx criticizes the philosophical ideas of Feuerbach, particularly his notion of human essence as an abstraction from concrete reality. Marx argues that Feuerbach fails to recognize the dialectical relationship between humans and their social environment, and instead reduces them to passive objects of their circumstances. Marx also critiques Feuerbach's separation of reason and senses, and his inability to recognize the historical and social conditioning of human consciousness.

Chapter 2: Critique of the Young Hegelians' Philosophy in General

In this chapter, Marx attacks the ideas of the Young Hegelians, a group of philosophers who had adopted Hegelian philosophy but applied it to critical social issues. Marx argues that their criticism is not radical enough, and that they fail to recognize the material basis of society and the economic relations that determine human existence. He also critiques their emphasis on ideas rather than material reality and their idealistic approach to social change.

Chapter 3: The German Ideology as an Instrument of the Bourgeoisie

In this chapter, Marx and Engels criticize the philosophical ideas of the German bourgeoisie, arguing that they are designed to maintain their own power and privilege. They also critique the notion of abstract human rights, arguing that they serve to perpetuate the unequal social relations of capitalism. Finally, they assert that the true path to social change lies in the recognition of the material conditions of human existence and the overthrow of the capitalist system.

Chapter 4: Critique of Modern German Philosophy According to Its Representatives Feuerbach, B. Bauer and Stirner, and of German Socialism According to Its Various Prophets

In this chapter, Marx and Engels continue their critique of German philosophy and socialism, focusing on the works of Feuerbach, Bruno Bauer, Max Stirner, and others. They argue that these thinkers fail to recognize the material basis of society and the role of economic relations in shaping human existence. They also criticize the individualistic and idealistic tendencies of these philosophers, which they believe serve to perpetuate the inequalities of capitalism.

Chapter 5: The Real Relation of the Bourgeoisie to Democracy

In this chapter, Marx and Engels examine the relationship between the bourgeoisie and democracy, arguing that the bourgeoisie's commitment to democracy is motivated by their desire to protect their own power and privilege. They also criticize the limitations of democracy under capitalism, arguing that it serves to maintain the unequal distribution of wealth and power rather than challenge it.

Chapter 6: The Illusion of the Epoch

In this final chapter, Marx and Engels argue that the dominant ideas of any era are determined by the economic and social conditions of that era. They assert that the ideas of the ruling class are adopted by the rest of society and come to be seen as universal truths, even when they are based on self-interest and falsehoods. They conclude by arguing that the only way to overcome these illusions is through the revolutionary overthrow of the capitalist system and the establishment of a socialist society.

Note: The English translation of "The German Ideology" is available in multiple versions, so some chapter titles may differ depending on the edition.



