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17. "The Levellers: A History of the Writings of Three Seventeenth-Century Social Democrats" edited by Margaret C. Jacobs.


"The Levellers: A History of the Writings of Three Seventeenth-Century Social Democrats" edited by Margaret C. Jacobs.

Title: The Levellers: A Study of the Political and Social Ideologies of Three Seventeenth-Century Social Democrats

"The Levellers: A History of the Writings of Three Seventeenth-Century Social Democrats" is a comprehensive collection of the works of three prominent social democrats of the seventeenth century: John Lilburne, Richard Overton, and William Walwyn. These social democrats were part of a larger political movement known as the Levellers, which sought to level the playing field between the wealthy and the common people. The Levellers believed in a more equal society where everyone had equal rights and freedoms, regardless of their social status or wealth.

The core idea of this book is to showcase the political and social ideologies of the Levellers, and to give readers a glimpse into the thoughts and beliefs of these important historical figures. The writings in this book demonstrate the Levellers' commitment to democracy, freedom of speech and religion, and the idea that all people are equal under the law. They also touch upon issues such as the rights of women and the importance of education, providing valuable insight into the mindset of the seventeenth-century social democrats.

The impact of the Levellers on future generations cannot be overstated. Their ideas and beliefs influenced many of the political and social movements that followed, including the American Revolution, the French Revolution, and the rise of modern democracy. The Levellers' commitment to freedom of speech and religion, as well as their belief in equality, helped lay the foundation for many of the liberties and rights that we enjoy today.

In the 21st century, the lessons that we can take away from the Levellers are many. Firstly, they remind us of the importance of democracy and the need to ensure that all people have equal rights and freedoms. They also demonstrate the power of individual voices and the importance of speaking out against injustice. Additionally, the Levellers' belief in the importance of education and their commitment to the idea that all people are equal under the law are just as relevant today as they were in the seventeenth century.

If you are interested in learning more about the Levellers and their ideas, there are a number of reference books that you can turn to for further reading. Some of these include "The Levellers and the English Revolution" by J.C. Davis, "The Levellers: A History of the Writings of Three Seventeenth-Century Social Democrats" edited by Margaret C. Jacobs, and "The Putney Debates of 1647" edited by Blair Worden.

Unfortunately, I do not have information on the Korean version of the book, but I suggest checking online bookstores or libraries for more information.

I hope this blog post has provided you with a deeper understanding of "The Levellers: A History of the Writings of Three Seventeenth-Century Social Democrats" edited by Margaret C. Jacobs and the impact of their ideas on future generations.


"The Levellers: A History of the Writings of Three Seventeenth-Century Social Democrats" 마가렛 C. 편집 제이콥스.

제목: 레벨러: 17세기 사회민주당 3명의 정치 및 사회 이데올로기에 대한 연구

"The Levellers: A History of the Writings of Three Seventeenth-Century Social Democrats"는 17세기의 세 명의 저명한 사회민주주의자들의 작품을 포괄적으로 모은 것이다: 존 릴번, 리처드 오버턴, 윌리엄 월윈. 이 사회민주주의자들은 부유층과 서민 사이의 경기장을 평준화하기 위해 노력한 레벨러로 알려진 더 큰 정치 운동의 일부였다. 레벨러는 사회적 지위나 부에 관계없이 모든 사람이 동등한 권리와 자유를 가진 더 평등한 사회를 믿었다.

이 책의 핵심 아이디어는 레벨러의 정치적, 사회적 이데올로기를 보여주고, 독자들에게 이 중요한 역사적 인물들의 생각과 신념을 엿볼 수 있도록 하는 것이다. 이 책의 저술은 민주주의, 언론과 종교의 자유에 대한 레벨러의 헌신, 그리고 모든 사람이 법에 따라 평등하다는 생각을 보여준다. 그들은 또한 여성의 권리와 교육의 중요성과 같은 문제를 다루며, 17세기 사회민주주의자들의 사고방식에 대한 귀중한 통찰력을 제공한다.

레벨러가 미래 세대에 미치는 영향은 과장될 수 없다. 그들의 사상과 신념은 미국 혁명, 프랑스 혁명, 현대 민주주의의 부상 등 많은 정치 및 사회 운동에 영향을 미쳤다. 언론과 종교의 자유에 대한 레벨러의 헌신과 평등에 대한 그들의 믿음은 오늘날 우리가 누리는 많은 자유와 권리의 토대를 마련하는 데 도움이 되었다.

21세기에, 우리가 레벨러로부터 얻을 수 있는 교훈은 많다. 첫째, 그들은 우리에게 민주주의의 중요성과 모든 사람들이 동등한 권리와 자유를 가질 수 있도록 보장할 필요성을 상기시킨다. 그들은 또한 개인의 목소리의 힘과 불의에 반대하는 것의 중요성을 보여준다. 게다가, 교육의 중요성에 대한 레벨러의 믿음과 모든 사람들이 법에 따라 평등하다는 생각에 대한 그들의 헌신은 17세기와 마찬가지로 오늘날에도 관련이 있다.

레벨러와 그들의 아이디어에 대해 더 배우고 싶다면, 더 읽기 위해 찾을 수 있는 많은 참고 서적이 있습니다. 이들 중 일부는 J.C.의 "레벨러와 영국 혁명"을 포함한다. 데이비스, "The Levellers: A History of the Writings of Three Seventeenth-Century Social Democrats" edited by Margaret C. 제이콥스와 블레어 워든이 편집한 "1647년의 퍼트니 토론"
안타깝게도, 저는 그 책의 한국어 버전에 대한 정보가 없지만, 더 많은 정보를 위해 온라인 서점이나 도서관을 확인하는 것이 좋습니다.
