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99. 과학혁명의 구조 "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions" by Thomas S. Kuhn (1962)


"The Structure of Scientific Revolutions" by Thomas S. Kuhn (1962)


"The Structure of Scientific Revolutions" by Thomas S. Kuhn is a seminal work in the philosophy of science that challenges traditional views of scientific progress. Kuhn argues that science does not progress linearly, as previously thought, but rather undergoes paradigm shifts, in which an established scientific paradigm is replaced by a new one. He claims that these shifts occur when anomalies, or problems with the existing paradigm, cannot be resolved by normal scientific methods. The resolution of these anomalies leads to a crisis, which eventually results in a paradigm shift.

Kuhn also discusses the role of scientific communities in shaping scientific paradigms. He suggests that scientific communities are influenced by shared values, beliefs, and assumptions, which lead to the formation of a paradigm. These communities provide a supportive environment for scientists to work within the paradigm, but also tend to resist new ideas that challenge the paradigm.

Kuhn's work has had a profound impact on the philosophy of science and has led to a shift in the way scientists think about scientific progress. It has also had an impact on other fields, such as sociology, anthropology, and history. The term "paradigm shift" has become widely used in these fields to describe significant changes in a particular field of study.

The book has been translated into many languages and has become a classic in the field of philosophy of science. Its impact has been felt far beyond academia, with applications in fields such as business, politics, and technology. The book's ideas have been debated and challenged by many scholars, but its enduring influence continues to shape our understanding of scientific progress and the nature of scientific revolutions.

In the Korean translation, the book is titled "과학혁명의 구조" which translates to "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions" in English.


토마스 S.의 "과학 혁명의 구조" 쿤은 과학적 진보에 대한 전통적인 견해에 도전하는 과학 철학의 중요한 작품이다. 쿤은 과학이 이전에 생각했던 것처럼 선형적으로 발전하지 않고, 오히려 확립된 과학적 패러다임이 새로운 패러다임으로 대체되는 패러다임 변화를 겪는다고 주장한다. 그는 이러한 변화가 변칙이나 기존 패러다임의 문제가 정상적인 과학적 방법으로 해결될 수 없을 때 발생한다고 주장한다. 이러한 변칙의 해결은 위기로 이어지며, 이는 결국 패러다임의 변화를 초래한다.

쿤은 또한 과학적 패러다임을 형성하는 데 있어 과학 공동체의 역할에 대해 논의한다. 그는 과학 공동체가 공유된 가치, 신념 및 가정의 영향을 받아 패러다임의 형성으로 이어진다고 제안한다. 이 공동체들은 과학자들이 패러다임 내에서 일할 수 있는 지원 환경을 제공하지만, 패러다임에 도전하는 새로운 아이디어에 저항하는 경향이 있다.

쿤의 연구는 과학 철학에 지대한 영향을 미쳤고 과학자들이 과학적 진보에 대해 생각하는 방식에 변화를 가져왔다. 그것은 또한 사회학, 인류학, 역사와 같은 다른 분야에 영향을 미쳤다. "패러다임 전환"이라는 용어는 특정 연구 분야의 중요한 변화를 설명하기 위해 이 분야에서 널리 사용되었다.

그 책은 많은 언어로 번역되었고 과학 철학 분야의 고전이 되었다. 그 영향은 비즈니스, 정치 및 기술과 같은 분야의 응용 프로그램과 함께 학계를 훨씬 넘어서 느껴졌다. 이 책의 아이디어는 많은 학자들에 의해 토론되고 도전을 받았지만, 그 지속적인 영향은 과학적 진보와 과학 혁명의 본질에 대한 우리의 이해를 계속 형성하고 있다.

한국어 번역에서, 이 책의 제목은 영어로 "과학 혁명의 구조"로 번역되는 "과학 혁명의 구조"이다.
